Friday, May 27, 2011

How to Date Asian Women

It's sad, but it's true that we live in a society which tends to stereotype people and cultures. It should be a no brainier that knowing how to date Asian women is no different than dating any other type of woman. Why do so many men seek to learn how to date Asian women?

Perhaps the reason many non-Asian men want to learn how to date Asian women is because many of them are pretreated as being mysterious, submissive, and servant oriented all to willing to give unlimited amounts of affection to their man. This is perhaps the biggest mistake that can be made! The idea of having your very own Geisha can be thrilling and a great fantasy, but let's make it clear that such an idea is just that - a fantasy. Despite the fact many Asian women have been stereotyped in film and TV as being prostitutes, Geisha's, and exotic dancers - the truth is most Asian women would find a man thinking of them in those ways to be very offensive.

Thus, when you start talking to an Asian women the last thing you should do is tell them that you have a fetish for Asians, the Geisha, and so forth. Doing that is a sure fire way to screw up any chance you may have originally had with an Asian woman. Additionally, this just screams "sex object" to the mind's of these women. Heck, such an approach would likely put off any women, not just an Asian women!

The point is we never get a second chance to make a good first impression. In the world of dating first impressions are everything. Like it or not, people judge each others many times based on the first impression and that judgment can stay with a person for a very long time. So it's important to really focus on putting your best foot forward when you ask a woman out on a date - be they an Asian woman or any other type of woman.

So what's the answer to the question - "How to date Asian Women?" Simple. Apply yourself, take the time to educate yourself, become socially savvy, and work at it and before you know it you'll be dating Asian women. Of course, the same is true for any other type of woman you want to date.  Stay updated with this blog and future tips will be revealed and be willing to check out some of the links on your right - for they will also come in handy when it comes to the education department.

The other question you'll probably have about dating Asian women is where do you find them? How do you meet an Asian girl? Despite how cliche it sounds, Asian restaurants are a good starting place. However, please note that when I say Asian resturants I'm not talking about chain resturants like Panda Express - rather I'm speaking of the lesser known restaurant that are the hidden gems of many towns and cities.

Another tip for finding an Asian girl to date is to check your newspaper for various Asian events and clubs. As long as you are respectful you will be welcomed. Likewise, Asian grocery stores are another good place to find Asian women.

One last tip about how to date Asian women. Take some time to brush up on Asian culture and learn about the different Asian nationalities. In doing so you are showing an interest in her as a person and you are showing yourself off as being culturally educated - something all women love.  Remember, as with all dating and attraction it's important to do your research, watch those that are already naturally good with women, and to learn what to say and how to say. Above all else, always remember to use common sense. The more you practice and focus on dating an Asian woman - the sooner you'll have the Asian girl of your dreams.

Please feel free to share your own insights and tips on this topic.