Friday, May 27, 2011

Magic Seduction Words to Get the Woman of Your Dreams

Seduction Words by Martin Boulanger
Seducing a woman is like dancing; seduction words accentuate the entire process. It’s not enough that you use the right words. It is also equally important that you are in tune to how the other person dances to the tune and how you will be able to compliment with each other until you reach your ultimate goal. Here are some tips on how you can woo the girl of your dreams.

Listen and Be Attentive
Using the right seduction words simply means you should know how to respond appropriately. Therefore, you have to learn how to listen to what a girl says and understand her body language. For example, a girl who looks you in the eye means she is genuinely interested with you and can be open to an invitation. A girl who does not talk much on the other hand may need more wooing to start the ball rolling.

Be Sincere
A woman’s instinct is her best weapon. She will be able to sense if you are just looking for a quick romantic evening or if you are interested in establishing a long-term relationship with her. Thus, it is very important to be sincere in using seduction words. For example, never tell a woman “I love you, and I want to spend my whole life with you” if you are not serious about it. The best seduction words are those that are truly meant and those that come from one’s heart.

Look for the Perfect Timing
Timing is everything. It will be very awkward to tell a girl you just met that you love her and you want to marry her because no one would believe you anyway. You must first earn a woman’s trust and make her feel that she can also trust you. If you are looking for a long-term relationship, be ready to spend time getting to know each other and being comfortable in each other’s company. Once the perfect timing arrives, you will know it and you can use the perfect seduction words to seal the deal.

Follow through with Appropriate Gestures
What you say to a woman is always matched with gestures and non-verbal gestures. Thus, you also have to make sure that your words are complimented by your gestures. More often than not, a woman listens to your body more than your mouth. Thus, you will need to make sure that your body says the same thing that comes out of your mouth. It takes practice sometimes, but once you have mastered the art, seduction words would only be like the icing on a cake.

Seducing the woman of your dreams is not just all about using words. There are no magic words like “abracadabra” that will work each time. The best seduction words are those that are truly meant and those that really reflect how you feel about someone. Thus, the key to getting your girl is making sure that you understand what she wants and what she needs, making her feel that you are truly interested in her, and using the magic words at the most perfect time.