Friday, May 27, 2011

Double Your Dating Scam

A Review of David DeAngelo's Program

Double Your Dating Scam
Review of David DeAngelo
David DeAngelo is a dating expert, a somewhat of a guru in the field of dating tips for men. This article reviews Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo and helps buyers determine if Double Your Dating is a scam or not.

The first thing to understand as you read this article is that I have had personal experience with the Double Your Dating Program. A program that consists of a now infamous e-book which claims that "attraction is not a choice" and any man has a chance at getting any woman if they only know the tricks of the trade and how the woman's mind works.  Since this review is based on my own experience, it's important to understand that your own experiences with the ebook and David DeAngelo's Programs may be different. A single man's personal dating experience, maturity, and how quickly he learns and how much he is willing to apply what he learns will all have an impact on his experience .

Double Your Dating - A Unique Approach to Dating Women

I believe that David DeAngelo is very different than most dating authors and dating coaches that are out there. It will become very obvious very quickly that this man has actually spent a good deal of time practicing his pick up theory and has been involved in the dating game for many years now. Any reader or viewer of his programs will be able to tell that he actively applies the very same principles which he teaches to other guys.
One of the most profound moments of the eBook for me was when he explained the reasons that women indicate they want a nice guy in their lives, but make totally different choices when it comes to the men they date. Additionally, Mr. DeAngelo provides a very practical explanation of how his pick up theory works and how attracting beautiful women in general works.

It only takes about 10 pages into the book before you'll have several new ideas on how to actually double your dating. More importantly, you'll be learning exactly why you've destroyed past relationships and dating opportunities with women

For myself, when I was first learning many years ago, I was very surprised, humbled, and embarrassed by just how many things I was doing wrong in my interaction with sexy women. I was very ashamed by the fact that I was, what David calls, a "wussy" back in those days. Thankfully, I had David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating to help me navigate through it all.

Double Your Dating - A Book Any Single Guy Can Use

Once you've finally finished beating yourself up over all the stupid mistakes you've made, you'll find out just how EASY it is to correct the wrong things that you've been doing. More importantly, it shouldn't take you very long to start seeing real results and start getting more dates. You just have to take it one step at a time and pay attention to what all you're learning.
Some of the changes you'll find yourself making include:
  • Learning to create attraction with beautiful women right from the moment you first meet
  • Improving your body language and understand what your body language is saying about you
  • A plan for learning to improve and master self confidence
These are things that almost anyone will learn during the first read through of Double Your Dating. If you're a serious student though, it won't be hard for you to become a modern-day Don Juan complete with all the women you can't handle chasing after you.

The price of the book is the best thing about everything! It's not at all expensive and it's a great way to start improving your love life.

So is David DeAngelo's Double Your Dating a Scam? I don't think so. I've used it successfully for many years now and it was one of three programs which was responsible for my success with women, for improving my social life, and I'm not shamed to say for me getting married. Based on my personal experience, if you're single or lonely then you've only got yourself to blame if you don't pick up this instantly down-loadable eBook. Did I mention the book comes with a money back guarantee? Not that you'll need it, of course, but it's still reassuring that it's available to use.