Thursday, May 26, 2011

How to Get a Girlfriend

Knowing how to get a girlfriend is a life skill and not something that most men are just born knowing. Getting a girlfriend that you want usually requires even more skill. The hard part is that these skills just aren't taught in college. Attracting beautiful women 101 is not on the class list of any college or universities. The truth is, learning practical dating tips is something that most men learn while growing up and it's usually from their father or friends.

If you’re beginning to realize that this is just not enough for you to learn the rock solid strategies for how to get a girlfriend, then what you’re about to discover is some priceless information that most men never learn…

Three Little Known Dating Tips for Men on How to Get a Girlfriend

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip 1: Nice Guys Finish Last

Here's an important first lesson. Take note that the guys who really know how to attract beautiful women are some of the most unrefined and rough guys that exist in our society. They are like pack animal leaders, stalking their prey and waiting for just the right moment to kill. Yes, almost all women will say they want a nice polite guy with good manners, a big heart, and someone that has a good relationship with his family. Women feel they have to say this though. They have an image to keep up.

Sorry nice guys, but the men that most women date seem to almost never meet this description. Actions will always speak louder than words...and the evidence is in: nice guys finish last. This means if you want to enjoy amazing interactions with women, you have to stop listening to their advice about how to get a girlfriend. You also have to stop listening to your mother's advice about women and focus on doing the total opposite of what she has always told you. All that the advice of women will do is turn you into a wussie and, sorry to say, women can't stand wussies! They want decisiveness, someone that can take charge, and most importantly someone that is confident in themselves and what they do regardless of what others think.

Most people don't have a firm understanding of what they really want…and people’s words almost always contradict their actions. If you want to learn the best dating tips for men, start paying attention to the guys women are actually dating, chasing and sleeping with…the rest is just a theory anyway…

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip 2: Rejection is Your Friend

Like it or not, you will be rejected hundreds if not thousands of times. Gasp! How can the idea of rejection be good advice on how to get a girlfriend? Again, the truth is no man (living or dead for that matter) has ever had a 100% success rate in attracting women. If you hear differently, it's because that person is likely trying to sell you something be it a product or themselves. If you want to pick up quality women you must start meeting beautiful women and asking them on dates with no fear of rejection whatsoever.

True, many may say no, but the more you meet and the more you ask, the more likely it is you'll get a yes.

How to Get a Girlfriend Tip 3: Neediness is Your Enemy

Most men have no idea how to get a girlfriend because they need to get a girlfriend. Yes, again this might sound crazy… but women can smell desperation from a mile away. This lowers your social value and puts you in a position of weakness, which is a position that almost always assures you won’t get what you want.

If you want to have an amazingly attractive woman in your life, that’s fine...every guy wants that. But every amazingly attractive woman out there knows that’s what men want from them. They have needy men approached them every day, and they’re tired of it. The more socially valuable a woman is, the more she's going to want a man who knows his value and who knows that women need him more than he needs them.

So these are the three areas you need to get to work on, and the day to get started is today. Then all the other clueless guys out there who never learned how to get a girl friend the right way will wonder what your secret is.