Monday, May 16, 2011

How to Flirt with Women

How to Flirt with Women
Most guys simply never learn to develop good flirting skills. It's sad, but many men never learn how to flirt with women. The truth is, for most guys flirting consists of asking girls questions such as
  • Where are you from?
  • Can I buy you a drink?
  • Do you come here often?
The problem is, asking questions (especially THOSE questions) isn't the proper way to flirt with women. To make matters worst, most dating advice sites will instruct men to flirt by:
  • Smiling
  • Making Eye Contact
  • Complimenting Her
That's all great, but that's still not getting to the essence of what true flirting is. It's not really showing guys the proper way to flirt with women.

Consider the following three flirting tips if you want to learn how to flirt with women.

Don't Be a Nice Guy

I'm not saying you should be down right mean, but there are way to many men out there that try to cater to women and give them everything they want. That's death in the dating game world. Women are attracted and captivated by men that make them feel safe and that provide them with a sense of security. Nice guys simply don't trigger within women the feelings of safety and security.

Why? Well, think about it this way. If you were a woman, would you really feel safe with someone that was super nice and couldn't stand up for themselves or even tell you no? Is such a submissive person the type of man you'd want in your corner if guys were hitting on you 10-30 times a day and/or night? Would you even think that this type of guy had self confidence? Guys, like it or not women need a man that is going to protect her and if you're a nice guy you just won't come across as very protective.

So when you're flirting with women stop being the nice guy. Learn to neg* and more importantly learn to say no and stand up for what you want and not be submissive to what she wants.

Unpredictability Creates Magic when Flirting with Women

Now that you know how to help her feel more safe and secure you need to throw an element of fun into your flirting. Knowing how to flirt with women is also about being somewhat unpredictable. You want to keep her guessing with everything you say and do. It takes a good deal of practice in the field* to learn how to balance mystery, unpredictability, confidence, and responsibility. Yet that's exactly what you're going to have to do.

To become desirable to women it's important to keep your life, personality, and values and not bend them to her will. While this may turn off or turn away some women that you're flirting with, there are many others that will be very attracted to you because she'll realize she can't control you and you're actually choosing to be with her instead of someone else.

The more beautiful and sexy a woman is, the more men will be be competing for her and the more she'll be use to these guys doing exactly what she wants so they'll have her attention or affection. By being the exact opposite of them you'll stand out and you'll also come in first in that race to get her. Additionally, the less predictable you are the more exciting it is to her.

The Most Important Flirting Tip for Men: Tease Her

Women are masters at creating tests to see if a man is really a man. That's one reason she tries to get men to do what she wants, she's testing them to see if they have a mind of their own. As mentioned, most guys fail these tests miserably. If that happens too often, they go from the prospect of sleeping with the woman to being on her "friends list."

In order to "pass" these tests it's important to playfully tease her. You must do so in a humorous way though! Tease her playfully for being childish, silly, or unreasonable. The moment you start to do this, you'll jump in social value and she'll be hooked on you.

Use these tips for how to flirt with women and you're going to find that your dating life starts to improve dramatically. Soon you'll be the talk of her social circle and other women (her friends) will be dying to see and meet you.

*Neg is a term created by the pickup artist Mystery and it is a backhanded compliment intended to snub a potential mate, show disinterest, and encourage her to prove she's worthy of your time and attention.  "You're the most beautiful woman I've met here ... ... ... in the last ten minutes" is an example of a neg.

*Field is a term used to describe where a person goes to meet women such as a nightclub or bar.