Thursday, May 5, 2011



I want to take a few moments to welcome you to my blog "The Game of Dating" and let you know my reasons behind starting this blog and the type of content I intend on having within the pages of it.

Back in high school I was not (and I repeat, NOT) that big of a dating person. In fact, if I went on more than a handful of dates throughout my entire high-school career it was by pure luck. There are a lot of reasons for this. The main reason dealt with the fact that I honestly was very shy and socially awkward. I didn't know how to talk to girls, was afraid to do so, and figured it wouldn't matter anyway since we were all going to be going away to college in the future anyway. Wow, what a mistake! I missed out on so much!

Fast forward to the present - almost 13 years later. I am happily married with an ever growing selection of female friends that I enjoy communicating with and having a good time with. I have been a life coach for the last eight years, and one of the biggest aspects of life that I end up coaching both male and female clients on is dating.

If I would have known in high-school what I now know, life would have been so radically different. If I would have knew and understood that dating, be we like it or not, is one big game I probably would have found and enjoyed more of my time with women.

So this blog is about the dating game and things that I have learned which helped lead me to a happy marriage. It's mostly aimed at Me, but women - you are free to comment and be apart of this community as well. In fact, I want to state right up front that commenting is open to anyone that feels they have something important to say. Be you agree or don't agree, it's the act and art of communication which becomes important.

So if you're tired of not knowing how to play the dating game, or if you simply haven't figured out how to understand it yet, you are indeed in the right place. Let the games begin!