Friday, May 6, 2011

Review of 2nd Chance

This review of 2nd Chance will help you to understand how you could benefit from using Mirabelle Summer's book by the same name. Before going any further, it's important to understand that the author of the book writes from an emotionally removed perspective. This means that if you don't have a high degree of personal emotional maturity, then you're likely going to have a hard time putting the concepts of this book into practice.

Typically when a relationship ends it can appear to be a hopeless effort when it comes to getting the magic back. In fact, many people wonder "how do I get the magic back into my relationship?" Sadly, much of the advice available tends to focus more on pulling life back together post relationship as opposed to finding and bringing that magic back into a relationship.

So how does 2nd Chance compare? Read on my little grasshopper, read on.

Review of 2nd Chance
  • This book provides a step-by-step process that allows you to reposition yourself as a man with value - that is you'll become a man that will show your ex that you've learned from your mistakes and have become a better person because of it.

  • The 2nd chance book will also tell you exactly how to resist instinctual responses which lower your social value. This is important because if you are perceived as having a low social value your ex will be convinced that she has made the right decision it dumping you.

  • 2nd Chance goes through and reviews with the reader a six stage process involving mourning, regaining self confidence, regaining her trust, and helping her to understand and see why she'd be foolish not to get back with you.

  • Other things covered in 2nd Chance include dealing with an ex who is ignoring you, becoming more than "just friends," dealing with an ex that has moved on, and dealing with the belief that you've lost her love.

  • Also important is the fact that this review of 2nd Chance can't ignore the fact that the book 2nd Chance was written by a female and from a female perspective, thus providing valuable insights into female psychology from a female. In fact, the author comes across as the type of female friend that ever guy needs and, in fact, can use in their life. From Mirabelle Summer you will get at least some of the truth of why women fall in love, fall out of love, and what motivates and encourages them to fall back in love.

  • Finally, it's important to note that the two bounces which come with the book (one on happiness and the other on surviving the pain of a breakup) add a lot of value to the package and are a tad better than other free bonus books that you may find somewhere else. Together, these three books can be said to hold a lot of the secret to pulling life back together after a devastating breakup and are well worth the read.
In Summary, I believe that 2nd Chance is well worth a view - especially if you've just recently come off a breakup and are looking for ways to revive an old relationship.